That moment when you exchange rings is one of the most memorable parts of the wedding ceremony, as you and your partner officially make your commitment of a lifetime of love with each other. Wow!
You can combine the ring exchange with your marriage vows. This can be helpful (ie. less stressful) for people who really don’t like public speaking and it’s also a popular approach for couples who want to keep their ceremony short and simple.
Alternatively, you can feature this beautiful moment and make it more personalised by exchanging rings after your vows are complete. And what to say when exchanging rings? Here’s some ideas.
Ideas on what to say while exchanging wedding rings
I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage.
For today and tomorrow,
and all our days to come.
With this ring I marry you.
With all my heart, body, and mind.
Please wear it knowing I’ll always be with you.
I give this ring as a symbol of my love for you,
and commitment to our marriage,
so you can wear it from this day forward
knowing I am yours.
With this ring I marry you,
with all that I have, and all that I am.
I promise to love you forever and always.